Child Abuse in Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Communities

Course #97584 - $60-

Study Points

  1. Describe the historical emergence of child abuse and neglect.
  2. Identify federal policies in the United States to address child abuse and neglect.
  3. Define child abuse and neglect.
  4. Outline the international prevalence of child abuse and neglect and variations in defining child maltreatment.
  5. Discuss the impact of child abuse and neglect in the United States and Canada, particularly among ethnic minority groups.
  6. Analyze how race, ethnicity, and culture impacts ethnic minority families' parenting styles and disciplining.
  7. Identify the role of ecologic factors on the risk for child abuse and neglect.
  8. Describe cultural theoretical frameworks to guide practice.
  9. Discuss child abuse assessment, intervention, and training that consist of culturally sensitive best practice values.
  10. Identify self-care issues and practices for practitioners working with child abuse cases.

    1 . In the Middle Ages in Europe, children were viewed as
    A) God's creatures.
    B) miniature adults.
    C) "torchbearers" of the future.
    D) individuals with needs unique from adults.

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    2 . The first child abuse case in the United States that garnered widespread interest involved Mary Ellen Wilson, a foster child in New York City. This case took place in
    A) 1790.
    B) 1866.
    C) 1921.
    D) 1965.

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    3 . The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), added to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), allows
    A) practitioners better access to Native American children.
    B) Native American children to be removed from their homes and placed in non-Native American homes.
    C) the tribe, instead of the state courts, to address issues of child custody and welfare for Native American children.
    D) research projects to examine how to best integrate Native American children into the established social services framework.

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    4 . Child abuse is defined at the federal level by
    A) child protective services.
    B) the Office of Child and Family Welfare.
    C) the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.
    D) the National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence.

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    5 . Which of the following injuries is NOT considered a possible indicator of physical abuse?
    A) Patterned burns
    B) Bruises on multiple body areas
    C) Abrasions to the knees and elbows
    D) Multiple or spiral fractures at various stages of healing

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    6 . Child sexual abuse is categorized as exhibitionism if the act involves
    A) obscene phone calls.
    B) forcing a child to observe sexual acts.
    C) watching a child get dressed or undressed.
    D) touching, fondling, or kissing the child in a provocative manner.

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    7 . A child discloses that he has not gone to school for two weeks. When questioned regarding the reason for the absences, the child states that his parents do not feel like bringing him to school. This may be reported as which type of abuse?
    A) Physical abuse
    B) Financial abuse
    C) Emotional abuse/neglect
    D) This is not an abuse case.

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    8 . Worldwide, it is estimated that approximately what percentage of children between 1 and 14 years of age have experienced physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by a caregiver in the past month?
    A) 8%
    B) 30%
    C) 50%
    D) 80%

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    9 . The World Health Organization categorizes female genital mutilation/cutting that involves total removal of the clitoris and labia minora as
    A) incision.
    B) excision.
    C) infibulation.
    D) clitoridectomy.

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    10 . Internationally, approximately how many children were recruited to serve in conflict between 2005 and 2022?
    A) 30,000
    B) 275,000
    C) 105,000
    D) 1,000,000

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    11 . The most common type of abuse reported in the United States is
    A) neglect.
    B) verbal abuse.
    C) sexual abuse.
    D) physical abuse.

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    12 . Compared with non-Hispanic white counterparts, ethnic minority children have
    A) lower rates of reported child maltreatment.
    B) higher rates of reported child maltreatment.
    C) similar rates of reported child maltreatment.
    D) lower rates of reported neglect but higher rates of reported abuse.

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    13 . Which of the following factors might contribute to the over-representation of children of color in child abuse and neglect reports in the United States?
    A) Reporter bias
    B) Lack of familiarity with cultural beliefs, norms, and practices
    C) Greater number of child abuse risk factors in ethnic minority communities
    D) All of the above

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    14 . As opposed to culture, race is defined by
    A) attitudes and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation.
    B) language, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, and patterns of social relations.
    C) links to biology and physical markers such as hair color, skin color, and facial features.
    D) a group's socially constructed identity, at times based on class, politics, and sociopolitical factors.

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    15 . In Western society, authoritarian parenting styles are
    A) associated with parental concern, caring, and love.
    B) equated with promoting individuality and autonomy.
    C) aligned with instilling a work ethic that leads to higher academic achievement.
    D) regarded more negatively and associated with negative outcomes such as poor self-esteem.

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    16 . What cultural orientation is marked by an emphasis on harmony and relegating individual needs to that of the larger community?
    A) Familial culture
    B) Collectivist culture
    C) Matriarchal culture
    D) Individualist culture

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    17 . What does the concept of fostering in Caribbean families involve?
    A) Socializing of children with non-related adults
    B) Social services placing at-risk children within their own families
    C) Extended family members rearing children while parents leave the area to search for employment
    D) All of the above

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    18 . Corporal punishment has been defined as
    A) punishment that inflicts physical pain.
    B) discipline carried out by a patriarchal figure.
    C) punishment that relies on reasoning and lectures.
    D) discipline involving the use of shaming or publicly ridiculing.

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    19 . Which of the following countries has outlawed the use of corporal punishment?
    A) Russia
    B) Barbados
    C) Germany
    D) The United States

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    20 . In Asian cultures, corporal punishment is generally
    A) not utilized.
    B) considered abusive.
    C) considered a reflection of parental love.
    D) regarded as a practice of foreign cultures.

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    21 . In most countries, the most severe form of abuse is identified as
    A) neglect.
    B) sexual abuse.
    C) emotional abuse.
    D) physical aggression.

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    22 . According to ecologic theory, parental adherence to the cultural belief that children are property is part of the
    A) exosystem.
    B) microsystem.
    C) macrosystem.
    D) ontologic level.

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    23 . Which of the following microsystem factors has been shown to correlate to an increased risk for child maltreatment?
    A) Single-parent household
    B) Family socioeconomic status
    C) Multiple children in the family
    D) All of the above

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    24 . Which of the following is NOT a primary dimension of the PEN-3 model?
    A) Relationships
    B) Cultural identity
    C) Existential dilemmas
    D) Cultural empowerment

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    25 . According to Kleinman's cultural explanatory model, health or mental health assistance from an indigenous healer would be categorized in which sector?
    A) Folk
    B) Religious
    C) Professional
    D) Lay/popular

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    26 . The biculturalization of assessments and interventions involves all of the following, EXCEPT:
    A) Formulating a plan that promotes a Western approach to care
    B) Ensuring that interventions are congruent with the individual's cultural norms
    C) Identifying cultural values and beliefs to be incorporated into assessment and interventions
    D) Explaining to the individual that a Western-based intervention will not negate his or her value systems

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    27 . An area for professional development for practitioners involved in the care of ethnic minority and immigrant individuals is
    A) cultural knowledge.
    B) immigration knowledge.
    C) legislation pertaining specifically to racial and ethnic minority groups.
    D) All of the above

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    28 . Countertransference hostage syndrome refers to a situation in which the practitioner
    A) severely violates professional boundaries.
    B) abandons the patient on an emotional level.
    C) becomes overly involved with the patient and family.
    D) feels controlled by the patient and the events he or she is experiencing.

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    29 . Which of the following is NOT a best practice recommendation for clinical supervision of child abuse cases?
    A) Practitioners' emotional well-being should be monitored.
    B) Spiritual/religious consultants are not appropriate experts to assist with grief reactions.
    C) Supervision should take place in an environment where practitioners feel safe to identify the feelings they are experiencing.
    D) If supervision is administered via a group format, steps should be taken to ensure that group members are not further traumatized by hearing other members' stories.

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    30 . As practitioners involved with child abuse cases are at an increased risk for burnout, it is vital that they engage in self-care to prevent negative symptoms. An effective self-care plan includes
    A) regular physical exercise.
    B) stress management techniques.
    C) maintenance of social relationships.
    D) All of the above

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