Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Management

Course #30724 - $60-

Study Points

  1. Discuss the risk factors and incidence of lung cancer.
  2. Explain the pathophysiology of lung cancer.
  3. Identify the signs and symptoms of lung cancer.
  4. Discuss the various tests used to diagnose lung cancer.
  5. Describe the lung cancer classification and staging system.
  6. Discuss the treatment options available to the patient with lung cancer, including potential adverse effects.
  7. Discuss the clinical course of a patient with lung cancer.
  8. Describe conditions caused by advanced lung cancer and lung cancer treatments.
  9. Identify the vascular access devices (VADs) commonly used in the treatment and management of lung cancer.
  10. Define grief and loss and identify measures to facilitate the grieving process.
  11. Differentiate between advance directives, physician directives, and do not resuscitate (DNR) orders.
  12. Explain the hospice concept.
  13. Discuss nursing case management and clinical pathways of the patient with lung cancer.
  14. List patient teaching goals that are useful for patients with lung cancer.

    1 . In 2024, lung cancer will be diagnosed in approximately how many Americans?
    A) 5,9280
    B) 125,070
    C) 234,580
    D) 296,421

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    2 . Materials linked to the development of lung cancer include all of the following, EXCEPT:
    A) Pollen
    B) Nickel
    C) Asbestos
    D) Wood dust

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    3 . Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) was once referred to as
    A) adenocarcinoma.
    B) oat cell carcinoma.
    C) anaplastic carcinoma.
    D) squamous cell carcinoma.

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    4 . SCLC frequently metastasizes to the
    A) brain.
    B) colon.
    C) kidneys.
    D) pancreas.

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    5 . One of the most common early symptoms experienced by patients with lung cancer is
    A) cough.
    B) cyanosis.
    C) weight loss.
    D) shortness of breath.

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    6 . When a patient with lung cancer experiences severe headaches, it may be due to
    A) viral meningitis.
    B) the herpes virus.
    C) elevated blood pressure due to kidney metastasis.
    D) increased intracranial pressure due to brain metastasis.

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    7 . A mediastinoscopy
    A) is noninvasive.
    B) does not allow for biopsies.
    C) is done to assess mediastinal lymph nodes for possible metastasis.
    D) relieves pressure resulting from superior vena cava syndrome.

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    8 . According to the AJCC's staging system, metastasis to the supraclavicular nodes would be classified as
    A) N1.
    B) N2.
    C) N3.
    D) NX.

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    9 . The most common form of lung cancer, accounting for approximately 40% of all diagnosed cases, is
    A) fibrosarcoma.
    B) adenocarcinoma.
    C) malignant mesothelioma.
    D) squamous cell carcinoma.

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    10 . For cancers on the right side, lymph nodes should be removed and assessed from
    A) each mediastinal station.
    B) stations 2R, 3, and 5.
    C) stations 2R, 4R, 7, 8, and 9.
    D) stations 4L, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

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    11 . Chemotherapeutic agents that work on cells undergoing cell division are
    A) metasteroids.
    B) alkylating agents.
    C) cell cycle phase specific.
    D) cell cycle phase nonspecific.

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    12 . To combat the nausea associated with chemotherapy, all of the following measures are utilized, EXCEPT:
    A) Antiemetics after the infusion
    B) Maintaining the patient NPO
    C) Antiemetics prior to the infusion
    D) Avoidance of foods with strong scents

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    13 . Which of the following is NOT a possible side effect of radiation therapy?
    A) Cough
    B) Fatigue
    C) Stomatitis
    D) Weight gain

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    14 . Patients receiving radiation therapy may develop moist desquamation
    A) over the tattooed areas.
    B) if they drink too much fluid.
    C) if they have a fair complexion.
    D) in areas where skin surfaces meet.

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    15 . The prognosis for a patient with lung cancer depends on
    A) the cell type.
    B) the extent of the disease.
    C) the patient's physical condition at the time of diagnosis.
    D) All of the above

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    16 . The cause of dyspnea in patients with lung cancer is
    A) metastasis to the heart.
    B) fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
    C) metastasis to the brain's respiratory center.
    D) obstruction of airways and/or restriction of lung expansion.

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    17 . The preferred method of administration of analgesics for patients with lung cancer is
    A) oral.
    B) intramuscular.
    C) intravenous drip.
    D) transdermal patch.

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    18 . Nonpharmacologic techniques of pain relief include all of the following, EXCEPT:
    A) Dieting
    B) Hypnosis
    C) Biofeedback
    D) Acupuncture

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    19 . Common vascular access devices used in the treatment of lung cancer include
    A) implanted ports.
    B) tunneled catheters.
    C) nontunneled catheters.
    D) All of the above

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    20 . Advantages of tunneled central venous catheters include all of the following, EXCEPT:
    A) Secure placement
    B) Decreased risk of infection
    C) Not visible outside the chest
    D) Safe, reliable long-term access

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    21 . Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross first identified the five stages of grief. Patients dealing with grief and loss experience the stages of grief in what order?
    A) Shock, denial, depression, anger, bargaining
    B) Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
    C) Anger, denial, depression, bargaining, acceptance
    D) There is no particular order; the patient may move back and forth between stages several times.

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    22 . In which stage might patients be most likely to delay seeking medical care?
    A) Anger
    B) Denial
    C) Bargaining
    D) Acceptance

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    23 . The type of advance directive authorizing another person to make healthcare decisions for someone unable to do so is called
    A) a living will.
    B) a healthcare will.
    C) habeus medicum.
    D) a durable power of attorney for health care.

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    24 . In a physician directive, patients
    A) name their heirs.
    B) surrender the right to be resuscitated.
    C) specify what type of care they would and would not want.
    D) turn over legal decisions regarding care to someone they trust.

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    25 . The goal of hospice is to
    A) provide for the best possible quality of life.
    B) allow the patient to die surrounded by family.
    C) assist the patient and family through the process of grief/loss.
    D) All of the above

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    26 . Most hospices require the physician to certify the patient
    A) has Medicare.
    B) has a 24-hour live-in caregiver.
    C) has less than six months to live.
    D) will never be hospitalized again.

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    27 . Managed care is a method of healthcare delivery based on
    A) controlling costs.
    B) resource management.
    C) high-quality patient care.
    D) All of the above

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    28 . Clinical pathways
    A) should not be shown to patients.
    B) are not that helpful for relief nurses.
    C) are always a part of a patient's medical record.
    D) have often been the catalyst for hospitals to move to a case management type of nursing.

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    29 . Preoperative teaching
    A) is not very useful.
    B) may be done prior to admission.
    C) must be done the morning of surgery.
    D) should not be started at the same time as other testing.

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    30 . Postoperative teaching goals include
    A) potential complications from the procedure.
    B) medication schedules and possible side effects.
    C) emergency telephone numbers and other safety information.
    D) All of the above

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