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The Intersection of Pain and Culture

Course #77033-

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1. Frohm KD, Beehler GP. Psychologists as change agents in chronic pain management practice: cultural competence in the health care system. Psychol Serv. 2010;7(3):115-125.

2. Calvillo ER, Flaskerud J. Review of literature on culture and pain of adults with focus on Mexican Americans. J Transcult Nurs. 1991;2(2):16-23.

3. Juarez G, Ferrell B, Borneman T. Influence of culture on cancer pain management in Hispanic patients. Cancer Pract. 1998;6(5):262-269.

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40. Okazaki S, Saw A. Culture in Asian American community psychology: beyond the East-West binary. Am J Community Psychol. 2011;47(1/2):144-156.

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50. Rahim-Williams FB, Riley JL III, Herrera D, Campbell CM, Hastie BA, Fillingim RB. Ethnic identity predicts experimental pain sensitivity in African Americans and Hispanics. Pain. 2007;129(1-2):177-184.

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58. Haozous EA, Knobf MT, Brant JM. Understanding the cancer pain experience in American Indians of the Northern Plains. Psychooncology. 2011;20(4):404-410.

59. Spencer C, Burke P. The impact of culture on pain management. Med-Surg Matters. 2011;20(4):13-15.

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170. Sharma S, Abbott JH, Jensen MP. Why clinicians should consider the role of culture in chronic pain. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy. 2018;22(5):345-346.

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