Works Cited

Maintaining a Healthy Marriage: Implications for Counselors

Course #76843 - $15-

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    • Review the course material online or in print.
    • Complete the course evaluation.
    • Review your Transcript to view and print your Certificate of Completion. Your date of completion will be the date (Pacific Time) the course was electronically submitted for credit, with no exceptions. Partial credit is not available.

1. Mayol-García Y, Gurrentz B, Kreider RM. Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2016. Available at Last accessed August 28, 2024.

2. Sternberg RJ. The Triangle of Love: Intimacy, Passion, Commitment. New York, NY: Basic Books; 1988.

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5. Kurdek LA. What do we really know about gay and lesbian couples? Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2005;14(5):251-254.

6. Murray SL. Regulating the risks of closeness. Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2005;14(2):74-78.

7. Graber EC, Laurenceau JL, Miga E, Chango J, Coan J. Conflict and love: predicting newlywed marital outcomes from two interaction contexts. J Fam Psychol. 2011;25(4):5451-5550.

8. Tracey TJG, Sherry P, Albright JM. The interpersonal process of cognitive-behavioral therapy: an examination of complementary over the course of treatment. J Counsel Psychol. 1999;46(1):80-91.

9. Karney BR, Bradbury TN. Contextual influences on marriage: implications for policy and intervention. Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2005;14(4):171-174.

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19. Russell VM, Baker LR, McNulty JK. Attachment insecurity and infidelity in marriage: do studies of dating relationships really inform us about marriage? J Fam Psychol. 2012;27(2):242-251.

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22. Lavner JA, Bradbury TN. Why do even satisfied newlyweds eventually go on to divorce? J Fam Psychol. 2012;26(1):1-10.

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26. McNulty JK, Fincham FD. Beyond positive psychology? Toward a contextual view of psychological processes and well-being. American Psychologist. 2012;67(2):101-110.

27. Markman HJ, Scott MS, Blumberg SL. Fighting for Your Marriage: Positive Steps for Preventing Divorce and Preserving a Lasting Love. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass; 2001.

28. Coulter K, Malouff JM. Effects of an intervention designed to enhance romantic relationship excitement: a randomized-control trial. Couple Family Psychol. 2013;2(1):34-44.

29. Rice KG, Cunningham TJ, Young MB. Attachment to parents, social competence, and emotional well-being: a comparison of Black and White late adolescents. J Couns Psychol. 1997;44(1):89-101.

30. Goedert KM, Harsch J, Spellman B. Discounting and conditionalization: dissociable cognitive processes in human causal inference. Psychol Sci. 2005;16(8):590-596.

31. Ekman P, Davidson RJ, Ricard M, Wallace BA. Buddhist and psychological perspectives on emotions and well-being. Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2005;14(2):59-63.

32. Baucom DH, Sayers SL, Sher TG. Supplementing behavioral marital therapy with cognitive restructuring and emotional expressiveness training: an outcome investigation. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1990;58(5):636-645.

33. Rehman US, Holtzworth-Munroem A. A cross cultural examination of the relation of marital communication behavior to marital satisfaction. J Fam Psychol. 2007;21(4):759-763.

34. Williamson HC, Ju X, Bradbury TN, Karney BR, Fang X, Liu X. Communication behavior and relationship satisfaction among American and Chinese newlywed couples. J Fam Psychol. 2012;26(3):308-315.

35. Simmons RA, Gordon PC, Chambless DL. Pronouns in marital interaction. Psychol Sci. 2005;16(12):932-936.

36. Worthington EL, Hight TL, Ripley JS, Perrone KM, Kurusu TA, Jones DR. Strategic hope-focused relationship-enrichment counseling with individual couples. J Counsel Psychol. 1997;44(4):381-389.

37. Mason MF, Tatkow EP, Macrae CN. The look of love: gaze shifts and person perception. Psychol Sci. 2005;16(3):236-239.

38. Schilling EA., Baucom DH, Burnett CK, Allen ES, Ragland L. Altering the course of marriage: the effect of PREP communication skills acquisition on couples' risk of becoming martially distressed. J Fam Psychol. 2003;17(1):41-53.

39. Sher TG, Baucom DH. Marital communication: differences among maritally distressed, depressed, and nondistressed-nondepressed couples. J Fam Psychol. 1993;7(1):148-153.

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42. Cortes K, Scholer AA, Kohler A, Cavallo JV. Perceiving relationship success through a motivational lens: a regulatory focus perspective. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2018;44(6):795-808.

43. Overall NC, McNulty JK. What type of communication during conflict is beneficial for intimate relationships? Curr Opin Psychol. 2017;13:1-5.

44. Hickman-Evans C, Higgins JP, Aller TB, Chavez J, Piercy KW. Newlywed couple leisure: couple identity formation through leisure time. Marriage and Family Review. 2018;54(2):105-127.

45. Fivecoat HC, Tomlinson JM, Aron A, Caprariello PA. Partner support for individual self-expansion opportunities: effects on relationship satisfaction in long-term couples. J Soc Pers Relat. 2015;32(3):368-385.

46. Conradi HJ, Dingemanse P, Noordhof A, Finkenauer C, Kamphuis JH. Effectiveness of the "Hold me Tight" relationship enhancement program in a self-referred and a clinician-referred sample: an emotionally focused couples therapy-based approach. Fam Process. 2018;57(3):613-628.

47. Johnson S. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company; 2008.

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    • Review the course material online or in print.
    • Complete the course evaluation.
    • Review your Transcript to view and print your Certificate of Completion. Your date of completion will be the date (Pacific Time) the course was electronically submitted for credit, with no exceptions. Partial credit is not available.