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The Role of Spirituality in Health and Mental Health

Course #61984-

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1. Newport F. Religious Identity: States Differ Widely. Available at Differ-Widely.aspx. Last accessed April 9, 2024.

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10. King JE, Crowther MR. The measurement of religiosity and spirituality: examples and issues from psychology. J Organizational Change Manage. 2004;17(1):83-101.

11. Herrera AP, Lee JW, Nanyonjo RD, Laufman LE, Torres-Vigil I. Religious coping and caregiver well-being in Mexican-American families. Aging Ment Health. 2009;13(1):84-91.

12. Martin T, Kirkcaldy B, Siefen G. Antecedents of adult well-being: adolescent religiosity and health. J Managerial Psychol. 2003;18(5):453-470.

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27. Cervantes JM, Parham TA. Toward a meaningful spirituality for people of color: lessons for the counseling practitioner. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2005;11(1):69-81.

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30. Greasley P, Chiu LF, Gartland M. The concept of spiritual care in mental health nursing. J Adv Nurs. 2001;33(5):629-637.

31. Connelly R, Light K. Exploring the "new" frontier of spirituality in health care: identifying the dangers. J Relig Health. 2003;42(1):35-46.

32. Lemmer C. Teaching the spiritual dimension of nursing care: a survey of U.S. baccalaureate nursing programs. J Nurs Educ. 2002;41(11):482-490.

33. Callister LC, Bond AE, Matsumura G, Mangum S. Threading spirituality throughout nursing education. Holist Nurs Pract. 2004;18(3):160-166.

34. Baldacchino DR. Teaching on the spiritual dimension in care: the perceived impact on undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Educ Today. 2008;28(4):501-512.

35. Miller WR, Thoresen CE. Spirituality, religion, and health: an emerging research field. Am Psychol. 2003;58(1):24-35.

36. Hill PC, Pargament KI. Advances in the conceptualization and measurement of religion and spirituality: implications for physical and mental health research. Am Psychol. 2003;58(1):64-74.

37. Pargament KI, Krumrei EJ. Clinical assessment of clients' spirituality. In: Aten JD, Leach MM (eds). Spirituality and the Therapeutic Process: A Comprehensive Resource from Intake to Termination. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2009: 93-120.

38. Hall TW, Edwards KJ. The spiritual assessment inventory: a theistic model and measure for assessing spiritual development. J Sci Study Relig. 2002;41(2):341-357.

39. Rose EM, Westefeld JS, Ansley TN. Spiritual issues in counseling: clients' beliefs and preferences. Psychol Relig Spiritual. 2008;S(1):18-33.

40. Borneman T, Ferrell B, Puchalski CM. Evaluation of the FICA Tool for Spiritual Assessment. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2010;40(2):163-173.

41. Pargament KI, Koenig HG, Perez LM. The many methods of religious coping: development and initial validation of the RCOPE. J Clin Psychol. 2000;56(4):519-543.

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44. Galanter M, Dermatis H, Talbot N, McMahon C, Alexander MJ. Introducing spirituality into psychiatric care. J Relig Health. 2011;50(1):81-91.

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54. Turner-Musa JO, Wilson SA. Religious orientation and social support on health-promoting behaviors of African American college students. J Community Psychol. 2006;34(1):105-115.

55. McCullough ME, Hoyt WT, Larson DB, Koenig HG, Thoresen C. Religious involvement and mortality: a meta-analytic review. Health Psychol. 2000;19(3):211-222.

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60. Somlai AM, Heckman TG. Correlates of spirituality and well-being in a community sample of people living with HIV disease. Ment Health Religion Cult. 2000;3(1):57-70.

61. Trevino KM, Pargament KI, Cotton S, et al. Religious coping and physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual outcomes in patients with HIV/AIDS: cross-sectional and longitudinal findings. AIDS Behav. 2010;14(2):379-389.

62. Litwinczuk KM, Groh CJ. The relationship between spirituality, purpose in life, and well-being in HIV-positive persons. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2007;18(3):13-22.

63. McCormick DP, Holder B, Wetsel MA, Cawthon TW. Spirituality and HIV disease: an integrated perspective. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2001;12(3):58-65.

64. Simon CE, Crowther M, Higgerson HK. The stage-specific role of spirituality among African American Christian women throughout the breast cancer experience. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2007;13(1):26-34.

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67. Sinclair S, Pereira J, Raffin S. A thematic review of the spirituality literature within palliative care. J Palliat Med. 2006;9(2):464-479.

68. Foss LL, Warnke MA. Fundamentalist Protestant Christian women: recognizing cultural and gender influences on domestic violence. Counseling Values. 2003;48(1):14-23.

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77. Kelly JF, Stout RL, Magill M, Tonigan JS, Pagano ME. Spirituality in recovery: a lagged mediational analysis of alcoholics anonymous' principal theoretical mechanism of behavior change. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2011;35(3):454-463.

78. Galanter M, Dermatis H, Bunt G, Williams C, Trujillo M, Steinke P. Assessment of spirituality and its relevance to addiction treatment. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2007;33(3):257-264.

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169. Oxhandler HK. Social work field instructors' integration of religion and spirituality in clinical practice. J Soc Work Educ. 2017;53(3):449-465.

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