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1. McNeece CA, Thyer BA. Evidence-based practice and social work. J Evid Based Soc Work. 2004;1(1):7-25.
2. Boruch R, Soydan H, deMoya D. The Campbell collaboration. Brief Treat Crisis Inter. 2004;4(3):277-287.
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17. Rubin A, Parrish D. Views of evidence-based practice among faculty in MSW programs: a national survey. Res Soc Work Educ. 2007;17(1):110-122.
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26. Adams KB, LeCroy CW, Matto HC. Limitations of evidence-based practice for social work education: unpacking the complexity. J Soc Work Educ. 2009;45(2):165-186.
27. Gambrill E. Evidence-based practice: an alternative to authority-based practice. Fam Soc J Contemp H. 1999;80:341-350.
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29. McNeill T. Evidence-based practice in an age of relativism: toward a model for practice. Soc Work. 2006;51(2):147-156.
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35. Franklin C, Hopson LM. Facilitating the use of evidence-based practice in community organizations. J Soc Work Educ. 2007;43(3): 377-404.
36. Antle, BJ, Regehr C. Beyond individual rights and freedoms: meta-ethics in social work research. Soc Work. 2003;48(1):135-144.
37. Kenyon P. What Would You Do? An Ethical Case Workbook for Human Service Professionals. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company; 1999.
38. Nyatanga B. Cultural competence: a noble idea in a changing world. Int J Palliat Nurs. 2008;14(7):315-315.
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41. La Roche MJ, Christopher MS. Changing paradigms from empirically supported treatment to evidence-based practice: a cultural perspective. Prof Psychol Res Prac. 2009;40(4):396-402.
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43. Lucero E. From tradition to evidence: decolonization of the evidence-based practice system. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2011;43(4):319-324.
44. Silverstein LB, Auerbach CF. Using qualitative research to develop culturally competent evidence-based practice. Am Psychol. 2009;64(4):274-275.
45. Falzon L. Davidson KW, Bruns D. Evidence searching for evidence-based psychology practice. Prof Psychol Res Pr. 2010;41(6):550-557.
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48. Konrad SC, Flynn ML, Sela-Amit M. Art in social work: equivocation, evidence, and ethical quandaries. Res Soc Work Pract. 2019;29(6):693-697.
49. Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2001.
50. Graaf G, Ratliff GA. Preparing social workers for evidence-informed community-based practice: an integrative framework. Journal of Social Work Education. 2018;54:S5-S19.
51. Parrish DE. Evidence-based practice: a common definition matters. Journal of Social Work Education. 2018;54(3):407-411.
52. Mackey A, Bassendowski S. The history of evidence-based practice in nursing education and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing. 2017;33(1):51-55.
53. Dillard DM. The history of evidence-based practice. International Journal of Childbirth Education. 2017;32(2):7-10.
54. Littell JH, White H. The Campbell Collaboration: providing better evidence for a better world. Res Soc Work Pract. 2018;28(1):6-12.
55. Grady MD, Wike T, Putzu C, et al. Recent social work practitioners' understanding and use of evidence-based practice and empirically supported treatments. J SocWork Educ. 2018;54(1):163-179.
56. Drisko JW, Friedman A. Let's clearly distinguish evidence-based practice and empirically supported treatments. Smith College Studies in Social Work. 2019;89(3-4):264-281.
57. Kelly L. Reconceptualising professional knowledge: the changing role of knowledge and evidence in social work practice. Social Work Education. 2017;36(3):245-256.
58. Morago P. Evidence-based practice: from medicine to social work. European Journal of Social Work. 2006;9(4):461-477.
59. Wike TL, Grady M, Massey M, et al. Newly educated MSW social workers' use of evidence-based practice and evidence-supported interventions: results from an online survey. J Soc Work Educ. 2019;55(3):504-518.
60. Zimmerman K. Essentials of evidence based practice. International Journal of Childbirth Education. 2017;32(2):37-43.
61. Shapira Y, Enosh G, Havron N. What makes social work students implement evidence-based practice behaviors? J Soc Work Educ. 2017;53(2):187-200.
63. Abe J, Grills C, Ghavami N, Xiong G, Davis C, Johnson C. Making the invisible visible: identifying and articulating culture in practice-based evidence. American Journal of Community Psychology. 2018;62(1/2):121-134.
64. Huey SJ Jr, Tilley JL, Jones EO, Smith CA. The contribution of cultural competence to evidence-based care for ethnically diverse populations. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 2014;10:305-338.
65. Ramos G, Brookman-Frazee L, Kodish T, Rodriguez A, Lau AS. Community providers' experiences with evidence-based practices: The role of therapist race/ethnicity. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2020; [Epub ahead of print].
66. Rogers-Sirin L. Psychotherapy from the margins: how the pressure to adopt evidence-based-treatments conflicts with social justice-oriented practice. Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology. 2017;9(1):55-78.
67. Wang M, Lam Y. Evidence-based practice in special education and cultural adaptations. Res Pract Pers Sev D. 2017;42(1):53-61.
68. Whitbeck LB. Some guiding assumptions and a theoretical model for developing culturally specific preventions with Native American people. J Community Psychol. 2006;34(2):183-192.
69. Riva JJ, Malik KM, Burnie SJ, Endicott AR, Busse JW. What is your research question? An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2012;56(3):167-171.
70. Teolis MG. Improving nurses' skills and supporting a culture of evidence-based practice. Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 2020;39(1):60-66.
71. Schalock RL, Gomez LE, Verdugo MA, Claes C. Evidence and evidence-based practices: are we there yet? Intellect Dev Disab. 2017;55(2):112-119.
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73. Verbist AN, Winters AM, Antle BF, Collins-Camargo C. A review of treatment decision-making models and factors in mental health practice. Families in Society. 2020;101(4):444-455.
74. Hübner L. Reflections on knowledge management and evidence-based practice in the personal social services of Finland and Sweden. Nordic Social Work Research. 2016;6(2):114-125.
75. Finne J, Ekeland T-J, Malmberg-Heimonen I. Social workers use of knowledge in an evidence-based framework: a mixed methods study. European Journal of Social Work. 2022;25(3):443-456.
76. Lwin K, Beltrano N. Rethinking evidence-based and evidence-informed practice: a call for evidence-informed decision making in social work education and child welfare practice. Social Work Education. 2022;41(2):166-174.
77. Liedgren P, Kullberg C. "Easy ride or born to be wild"? The travelling of evidence-based social work to Sweden. European Journal of Social Work. 2022;25(2):224-237.
79. Ekeland T-J. Evidence-based practice in social work: perceptions and attitudes among Norwegian social workers. European Journal of Social Work. 2019;22(4):611-622.
80. Finne J. Evidence-based practice in social work: who are the critics? Journal of Social Work. 2021;21(6):1433-1449.
81. Mosley JE, Marwell NP, Ybarra M. How the "what works" movement is failing human service organizations, and what social work can do to fix it. Human Service Organizations. 2019;43(4):326-335.
82. Prock KA, Drechsler K, Hessenauer S. Social workers' knowledge and attitudes about evidence-based practice: differences between graduate students, educators, and practitioners. Clinical Social Work Journal. 2022;50(3):233-241.
83. Washburn M, Parrish DE, Oxhandler HK, Garrison B, Ma AK. Licensed master of social workers' engagement in the process of evidence-based practice: barriers and facilitators. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 2021;18(6):619-635.
84. Tomkins L, Bristow A. Evidence-based practice and the ethics of care: what works or what matters? Human Relations. 2023;76(1):118-143.
85. Bakkeli V, Breit E. From "what works" to "making it work:" a practice perspective on evidence-based standardization in frontline service organizations. Social Policy & Administration. 2022;56(1):87-102.
86. Fennig M. Cultural adaptations of evidence-based mental health interventions for refugees: implications for clinical social work. British Journal of Social Work. 2021;51(3):964-981.
87. Pawson R, Tilley N. Caring communities, paradigm polemics, design debates. Evaluation. 1998;4(1):73-90
88. Bäck A, Schwarz U, Hasson H, Richter A. Aligning perspectives? Comparison of top and middle-level managers' views on how organization influences implementation of evidence-based practice. British Journal of Social Work. 2020;50(4):1126-1145.
89. Denvall V, Skillmark M. Bridge over troubled water: Closing the research-practice gap in social work. British Journal of Social Work. 2021;51(7):2722-2739.
90. Drisko JW. Incorporating evidence-based practice into informed consent practice. Families in Society. 2021;102(1):67-77.
91. La Roche MJ. Changing multicultural guidelines: clinical and research implications for evidence-based psychotherapies. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 2021;52(2):111-120.
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