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An Overview of Feminist Counseling

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1. Alvarez-Castillo F, Lucas JC, Castillo RC. Gender and vulnerable populations in benefit sharing: an exploration of conceptual and contextual points. Cambridge Quart. 2009;18(2):130-137.

2. Baird M, Szymanski D, Ruebelt S. Feminist identity development and practice among male therapists. Psychol Men Masc. 2007;8(2):67-78.

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4. Bordeau WC, Briggs MK, Staton AR, Wasik SZ. Feminism lives on: incorporating contemporary feminism into counseling practice with families and youth. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development. 2008;47(1):42-55.

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31. Freedberg S. The feminine ethic of care and the professionalization of social work. Soc Work. 1993;38(5):535-540.

32. Lindqvist A, Sendén MG, Renström EA. What is gender, anyway? A review of the options for operationalising gender. Psychology & Sexuality. 2021;12(4):332-344.

33. Giacomini M, Baylis F. Excluding women from medical research: reasons and rejoinders. Clinical Researcher. 2003;3(10):12-15.

34. Gilbert LA, Osipow SH. Feminist contributions to counseling psychology. Psychol Women Q. 1991;15(4):537-547.

35. Gilligan C. In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1982.

36. Harris B, Lighter J. The image of women in abnormal psychology: professionalism versus psychopathology. Psychol Women Q. 1980;4(3):396-409.

37. Hill M, Glaser K, Harden J. A feminist model for ethical decision making. Women Ther. 1998;21(3):101-121.

38. Hoffman RM, Pasley K. Thinking about the sexes: the relation between cognitions and gender stereotypes. Am J Fam Ther. 1998;26(3):189-202.

39. Houvouras S, Scott Carter J. The F word: college students' definitions of a feminist. Sociol Forum (Randolph N J). 2008;23(2):234-256.

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41. Knudson-Martin C, Mahoney AR. Moving beyond gender: processes that create relationship equality. J Marital Fam Ther. 2005;31(2):235-246.

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43. Landrine H. The politics of personality disorder. Psychol Women Q. 1989;13(3):325-339.

44. Hong GK, Garcia M, Soriano M. Responding to the challenge: preparing mental health professionals for the changing U.S. demographic. In: Paniagua FA, Yamada A-M (eds). Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health: Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 2013: 591-606.

45. Lewin M, Wild CL. The impact of the feminist critique on tests, assessment, and methodology. Psychol Women Q. 1991;15(4):581-596.

46. Lloyd L. A caring profession? The ethics of care and social work with older people. Br J Soc Work. 2006;36(7):1171-1185.

47. Lorber J. Paradoxes of Gender. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press; 1994.

48. Mann SA, Huffman DJ. The decentering of second wave feminism and the rise of the third wave. Sci Soc. 2005;69(1):56-91.

49. Matlin MW. The Psychology of Women. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education; 2011.

50. Marecek J, Hare-Mustin RT. A short history of the future. Psychol Women Q. 1991;15(4):521-536.

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52. Nes JA, Iadicola P. Toward a definition of feminist social work: a comparison of liberal, radical, and socialist models. Soc Work. 1989;34(1):12-21.

53. Parton N. Rethinking professional practice: the contributions of social constructionism and the feminist "ethics of care." Br J Soc Work. 2003;33(1):1-16.

54. Porter N. Location, location, location: contributions of contemporary feminist theorists to therapy theory and practice. Women Ther. 2005;28(3/4):143-160.

55. Reynolds AL, Constantine MG. Feminism and multiculturalism: parallels and intersections. J Multicult Couns Devel. 2004;32:346-357.

56. Sands RG. The elusiveness of identity in social work practice with women: a postmodern feminist perspective. Clin Soc Work J. 1996;24(2):167-186.

57. Scanlon J. Sexy from the start: anticipatory elements of the second wave feminism. Womens Stud. 2009;38(2):127-150.

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59. Seem SR, Hernandez TJ. Considering gender in counseling center practice: individual and institutional actions. Journal of College Counseling. 1998;1(2):154-168.

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62. Szymanski DM, Baird MK, Kornman CL. The feminist male therapist: attitudes and practices for the 21st century. Psychol Men Masc. 2002;3(1):22-27.

63. Thurston WE, Vissandjée B. An ecological model for understanding culture as a determinant of women's health. Crit Public Health. 2005;15(3):229-242.

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67. Wastell CA. Feminist developmental theory: implications for counseling. J Couns Dev. 1996;74(6):575-581.

68. Whipple V. Developing an identity as a feminist family therapist: implications for training. J Marital Fam Ther. 1996;22(3):381-396.

69. Williams R, Wittig MA. "I'm not a feminist, but …:" factors contributing to the discrepancy between pro-feminist orientation and feminist social identity. Sex Roles. 1997;37(11/12):885-904.

70. Wilson D, Neville S. Culturally safe research with vulnerable populations. Contemp Nurse. 2009;33(1):69-79.

71. Wright N, Owen S. Feminist conceptualizations of women's madness: a review of the literature. J Adv Nurs. 2001;36(1):143-150.

72. Lynam DR, Widiger TA. Using a general model of personality to understand sex differences in the personality disorders. J Pers Disord. 2007;21(6):583-602.

73. Jane JS, Oltmanns TF, South SC, Turkheimer E. Gender bias in diagnostic criteria for personality disorders: an item response theory analysis. J Abnorm Psychol. 2007;116(1):166-175.

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75. Williams A, Lyeo JS, Geffros S, et al. The integration of sex and gender considerations in health policymaking: a scoping review. International Journal of Equity Health. 2021;20:69.

76. Eagly AH, Nater C, Miller DI, Kaufmann M, Sczesny S. Gender stereotypes have changed: a cross-temporal meta-analysis of U.S. public opinion polls from 1946 to 2018. American Psychologist. 2020;75(3):301-315.

77. Fisher AN, Ryan MK. Gender inequalities during COVID-19. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 2021;24(2):237-245.

78. Lauve-Moon KR, Enman S, Hentz V. Mainstreaming gender: an examination of feminist methodology in social work research.Social Work. 2020;65(4):317-324.

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85. Wrye HK. The fourth wave of feminism: psychoanalytic perspectives introductory remarks. Studies in Gender and Sexuality. 2009;10(4):185-189.

86. Bruns CM. Feminism and feminist therapy across generations. Women Ther. 2011;34(1-2):19-37.

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88. Finneman T, Volz Y. Leading the second wave into the third wave: U.S. women journalists and discursive continuity of feminism. Feminist Media Studies. 2020;20(6):863-878.

89. Eagly AH, Eaton A, Rose SM, et al. Feminism and psychology: analysis of a half-century of research on women and gender. Am Psychol. 2012;67(3):211-230.

90. LaMarre A, Levine MP, Holmes S, Malson H. An open invitation to productive conversations about feminism and the spectrum of eating disorders (part 1): basic principles of feminist approaches. Journal of Eating Disorders. 2022;10:54.

91. Zrenchik K, McDowell T. Class and classism in family therapy praxis: a feminist, neo-Marxist approach. J Fem Fam Ther. 2012;24(2):101-120.

92. Abrums M. Faith and feminism: how African American women from a storefront church resist oppression in healthcare. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2004;27(3):187-201.

93. Bleakley A. Gender matters in medical education. Med Educ. 2013;47(1):59-70.

94. Brown LS. Cultural diversity in feminist therapy: theory and practice. In: Landrine H (ed). Bringing Cultural Diversity to Feminist Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 1995: 143-161.

95. Bjorklund P. No man's land: gender bias and social constructivism in the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2006;27(1):3-23.

96. Trice-Black S, Foster VA. Sexuality of women with young children: a feminist model of mental health counseling. J Ment Health Couns. 2011;33(2):95-111.

97. Burlew LD, Shurts WM. Men and body image: current issues and counseling implications. J Couns Dev. 2013;91(4):428-435.

98. Zala S. Complex couples: multi-theoretical couples counseling with traumatized adults who have a history of child sexual abuse. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. 2012;33(3):219-231.

99. Tzou JY, Kim E, Waldheim K. Theory and practice of positive feminist therapy: a culturally responsive approach to divorce therapy with Chinese women. Int J Adv Couns. 2012;34(2):143-158.

100. Brabeck MM, Ting K. Feminist ethics: lenses for examining ethical psychological practice. In: Brabeck MM (ed). Practicing Feminist Ethics in Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2000: 17-35.

101. Yurtsever G. Gender-related differences in moral imagination. Soc Behav Pers. 2010;38(4):515-522.

102. Noddings N. The language of care ethics. Knowledge Quest. 2012;40(5):52-56.

103. Brady-Amoon P. Humanism, feminism, and multiculturalism: essential elements of social justice in counseling, education, and advocacy. Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 2011;50(2):135-148.

104. Kahn JS. Feminist therapy for men: challenging assumptions and moving forward. Women Ther. 2011;34(1-2):59-76.

105. Crowe J. Men and feminism: some challenges and a partial response. Social Alternatives. 2011;30(1):49-53.

106. Flood M. Separated fathers and the "fathers' rights" movement. J Fam Stud. 2012;18(2/3):235-245.

107. Fox J. How men's movement participants view each other. J Mens Stud. 2004;12(2):103-118.

108. Yoder JD, Tobias A, Snell AF. When declaring "I am a feminist" matters: labeling is linked to activism. Sex Roles. 2011;64(1-2):9-18.

109. Walker R. To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism. New York, NY: Doubleday; 1995.

110. Coates J. Women, Men, and Language: A Sociolinguistic Account of Gender Differences in Language. 3rd rd. New York, NY: Routledge; 2015.

111. Haines EL, Deaux K, Lofaro N. The times they are a-changing…or are they not? A comparison of gender stereotypes, 1983–2014. Psychol Women Q. 2016;40(3):353-363.

112. Phillips R, Cree VE. What does the "fourth wave" mean for teaching feminism in twenty-first century social work? Soc Work Educ. 2014;33(7):930-943.

113. Rutherford A, Pettit M. Feminism and/in/as psychology: the public sciences of sex and gender. Hist Psychol. 2015;18(3):223-237.

114. Kemp SP, Brandwein R. Feminisms and social work in the United States: an intertwined history. Affilia. 2010;25(4):314-364.

115. Sullivan M. Kill daddy: reproduction, futurity, and the survival of the radical feminist. Womens Stud Q. 2016;44(1/2):268-282.

116. Weeks J. Un-/re-productive maternal labor: Marxist feminism and chapter fifteen of Marx's Capital. Rethinking Marxism. 2011;23(1):31-40.

117. Jones LV. Black feminisms: renewing sacred healing spaces. Affilia. 2015;30(2):246-252.

118. Van Bussel T. Feminism is for everybody, except when it isn't: contemporary gender theory and oppression in development. Undercurrent. 2014;10(2):58-64.

119. McDougall SD, McGeorge CR. Utilizing women's feminist identities in family therapy: a phenomenological exploration of the meaning women assign to their feminist identities. J Fem Fam Ther. 2014;26(2):73-98.

120. Ussher JM. Diagnosing difficult women and pathologising femininity: gender bias in psychiatric nosology. Fem Psychol. 2013;23(1):63-69.

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122. Swartz S. Feminism and psychiatric diagnosis: reflections of a feminist practitioner. Fem Psychol. 2013;23(1):41-48.

123. Maier CA. Feminist-informed emotionally focused couples therapy as treatment for eating disorders. Am J Fam Ther. 2015;43(2):151-162.

124. Theinkaw S, Rungreangkulkij S. The effectiveness of postmodern feminist empowering counseling for abused women: a perspective of Thai abused women. Int J Behav Sci. 2013;8(1):37-44.

125. Otting TL, Prosek EA. Integrating feminist therapy and expressive arts with adolescent clients. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 2016;11(1): -89.

126. Schmidt M, Kolodinsky J, Carsten G, Schmidt FE, Larson M, MacLachlan C. Short term change in attitude and motivating factors to change abusive behavior of male batterers after participating in a group intervention program based on the pro-feminist and cognitive-behavioral approach. J Fam Viol. 2007;22(2):91-100.

127. Diaz-Martinez AM, Interian A, Waters DM. The integration of CBT, multicultural and feminist psychotherapies with Latinas.J Psychother Integr. 2010;20(3):312-326.

128. McGeorge CR, Carlson TS, Toomey RB. Establishing the validity of the feminist couple therapy scale: measuring therapists' use of feminist practices with heterosexual couples. J Couple Relatsh Ther. 2013;12(1):3-21.

129. Crowder R. Mindfulness based feminist therapy: the intermingling edges of self-compassion and social justice. J Relig Spiritual Soc Work. 2016;35(1/2):24-40.

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132. Carr ER, Green B, Ponce AN. Women and the experience of serious mental illness and sexual objectification: multicultural feminist theoretical frameworks and therapy recommendations. Women Ther. 2015;38(1/2):53-76.

133. Mintz LB, Tager D. Feminist therapy with male clients: empowering men to be their whole selves. In: Enns CZ, Williams EN (eds).The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2013: 322-338.

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149. Seneviratne P. Marxist feminism meets postcolonial feminism in organizational theorizing: issues, implications and responses. J Int Womens Stud. 2018;19(2):186-196.

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173. Macleod CI, Capdevila R, Marecek J, Braun V, Gavey N, Wilkinson S. Celebrating 30 years of feminism and psychology. Feminism & Psychology. 2021;31(3):313-325.

174. Heshmati S, Ali SR, Pitre S. Transnational feminism and the policing of Muslim women's bodies: implications for therapy. Women & Therapy. 2021;44(1-2):47-62.

175. Mohajan H. An Overview on the feminism and its categories. Research and Advances in Education. 2022;1(3):11-26.

176. Zhang Y, Rios K. Understanding perceptions of radical and liberal feminists: the nuanced roles of warmth and competence. Sex Roles. 2022;86(3/4):143-158.

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178. Grachev K, Santoro Lamelas V, Gresle AS, de la Torre L, Pinazo M-J; InSPIRES Consortium. Feminist contributions on sexual experiences of women with serious mental illness: a literature review. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 2022;25:853-870.

179. Atwell MM. The madness they endured: A biocultural examination of women's experiences of structural violence within 20th-century Missouri state mental hospitals. International Journal of Paleopathology. 2022;39:75-84.

180. Garb HN. Race bias and gender bias in the diagnosis of psychological disorders. Clinical Psychology Review. 2021;90:102087.

181. Krzemieniecki AJ, Horn EAD. Counseling clients with postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder: a feminist-trauma approach.Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 2022;44(2):117-132.

182. Holmes C, Jackson A, Looby J, Gallo K, Blakely K. Breast cancer and body image: feminist therapy principles and interventions.Journal of Feminist Family Therapy. 2021;33(1):20-39.

183. Pettersson C. "Another way to talk about feeling bad." Creative interactive bibliotherapy: a complement to treatment for women with mental illness after childbirth. Journal of Poetry Therapy. 2021;35(1):1-12.

184. Myers TA. What about being a feminist is protective? An examination of constructs related to feminist beliefs as moderators of the relationship between media awareness and thin-ideal internalization. Body Image. 2022;41:248-261.

185. Lambert SF. Fibromyalgia in women across the lifespan: a family feminist therapy approach. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy. 2020;32(3/4):227-242.

186. Laurin A-C, Martin P. Towards democratic institutions: Tronto's care ethics inspiring nursing actions in intensive care. Nursing Ethics. 2020;29(7/8):1578-1588.

187. Brabeck MM. Open science and feminist ethics: promises and challenges of open access. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 2021;45(4):457-474.

188. Capozzi F. A multi-level guide to work with male clients in couple and family therapy from a gender-critical perspective. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy. 2022;34(1-2):178-195.

189. Carian E. "No seat at the party": Mobilizing white masculinity in the men's rights movement. Sociological Focus. 2022;55(1):27-47.

190. Charter ML. Exploring the importance of feminist identity in social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 2021;41(2):117-134.

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