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Human Trafficking and Exploitation

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1. Jahic G, Finckenauer J. Representations and misrepresentations of human trafficking. Trends in Organized Crime. 2005;8(3):24-40.

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34. Desyllas M. A critique of the global trafficking discourse and U.S. policy. J Sociol Soc Welfare. 2007;34(4):57-79.

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42. Hodge D. Sexual trafficking in the United States: a domestic problem with transnational dimensions. Soc Work. 2008;53(2):143-152.

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50. Zimmerman C, Hossain M, Yun K, et al. The health of trafficked women: a survey of women entering posttrafficking services in Europe. Am J Public Health. 2008;98(1):55-59.

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87. Jones L, Engstrom D, Hilliard P, Sungakawan D. Human trafficking between Thailand and Japan: lessons in recruitment, transit and control. Int J Soc Welf. 2011;20(2):203-211.

88. Hodge DR. Assisting victims of human trafficking: strategies to facilitate identification, exit from trafficking, and the restoration of wellness. Soc Work. 2014;59(2):111-118.

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94. O'Callaghan P, Storey L, Rafferty H. Narrative analysis of former child soldiers' traumatic experiences. Educational & Child Psychology. 2012;29(2):87-97.

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