eBook Download

Sexual Harassment Prevention: The Illinois Requirement

Special Offer 57081

To download this course for your eReader, please click on a link for your device type and follow the instructions below.

To transfer to your Kindle:

  1. From your computer, click on this link to download.
  2. Save the file on your computer, noting the location.
  3. Connect your Kindle to your computer (using the USB cable that came with your device) and copy the downloaded file onto the Kindle.
  4. Disconnect your device. You should now have the special offer in your library.

On your Nook, download now.

Or, to transfer to your Nook:

  1. Click on this link to download to computer.
  2. Save the file on your computer, noting the location.
  3. Connect your Nook to your computer (using the USB cable that came with your device) and copy the downloaded file onto the Nook.
  4. Disconnect your device. You should now have the special offer in your library.

On your iPad or iPhone, download now.

Other eReaders or your computer...

To download this special offer to your computer, please follow these instructions:

  1. Click on this link: Download to Computer*
  2. Save the file on your computer, noting the location.
    The file may now be accessed on your computer using eReader software.

If you are transferring to an eReader*:

  1. Connect your eReader to your computer (using the USB cable that came with your eReader) and copy the downloaded file onto your device.
  2. Disconnect your device. You should now have the special offer in your eReader library.

* For instructions to download to Kindle, click here.