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Skin Cancers

Course #50774-

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  • Participation Instructions
    • Review the course material online or in print.
    • Complete the course evaluation.
    • Review your Transcript to view and print your Certificate of Completion. Your date of completion will be the date (Pacific Time) the course was electronically submitted for credit, with no exceptions. Partial credit is not available.
  1. Kaposi sarcoma in the mouth of a patient with AIDS.
  2. Kaposi sarcoma on the skin of a patient with AIDS.
  3. Nodular basal cell carcinoma, presenting as a small, reddish/brownish papule, often with telangiectatic blood vessels. This type of skin cancer may appear translucent (described as "pearly") and may have a central depression with rolled borders.
  4. Squamous cell carcinoma tends to arise from premalignant lesions, actinic keratoses; the surface is usually scaly and is often ulcerated (as shown here).
  5. Superficial spreading melanoma arising from a dysplastic nevus. The 4-by-8-mm, pink-tan lesion with irregular borders at the upper left (arrow) is a dysplastic nevus. Arising from it is an invasive malignant melanoma, with its characteristic blue-black color, notched border, and distorted surface. The gray area at the lower left represents tumor regression.
  6. Asymmetry

    A melanoma that is irregular in shape.
  7. Border

    A melanoma with a border that is uneven, ragged, or notched.
  8. Color

    A melanoma with coloring of different shades of brown, black, or tan.
  9. Diameter

    A melanoma with a diameter that is greater than 6 mm.
  10. The periphery of this dysplatic nevus is macular, irregular, indistinct, and slightly pink.
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  • Participation Instructions
    • Review the course material online or in print.
    • Complete the course evaluation.
    • Review your Transcript to view and print your Certificate of Completion. Your date of completion will be the date (Pacific Time) the course was electronically submitted for credit, with no exceptions. Partial credit is not available.